Our story is heart-centred in my own journey with eczema and wanting simple solutions for myself and others who experience it.

As a young child, I started suffering from the relentless pain that comes with eczema, as early as 1 year old. For anyone who hasn’t experienced it before, eczema is a skin condition characterised by inflammation, itchiness, and redness. It can often feel incredibly sensitive, irritated, and painful. I remember having all my baby pictures taken with bright pink cheeks. I am unsure what caused it specifically; it could have been a myriad of things.


The mystery continued as I grew up becoming a teenager; it started getting quite bad from the stress of being at school.

At times I even had boils all over my chest, hives on my arms and legs, and in grade 12 extremely puffy eyes covered in contact dermatitis. This condition covered me from head to toe, making me want to hide from school and being seen. Unfortunately, makeup and typical cosmetic products found in the supermarket and pharmacies only made it worse.

I went in search of holistic all-natural products to help me. That’s when I found tallow at a health conference I attended. It helped for a long time, so much so that I simply forgot I even needed


When I had my first baby young, the eczema returned with even more vengeance all over my body.

"My son was going through the same issues, and we noticed very quickly that stress and diet were huge contributing factors. "

These were variables we could control, but we still needed a remedy for the external skin that needed soothing.

When we hear stories of our products helping your children it really hits home for me. I understand the stress parents go through watching their children suffer. For that reason I am committed to finding a solution to children and adults suffering from eczema or dermatitis long term.


And then when I was pregnant with my second child, I was on the hunt for something super simple to assist if any eczema were to return and to use on my newborn.

I was looking for a cream that was 2-3 ingredient max, something that wouldn’t need a whole bunch of ingredients in it to make it actually "work". A friend was using tallow at the time, and I thought I'll try making a batch, as I have a background in studying herbal medicines. So, I gave it a go!

To source the tallow, I called all the local butchers, and I felt extremely out of place as I didn’t even know how to say Suet at the time!

The first batch I made wasn't great; the whole house lingered with the scent of beef fat for days!

However I had successfully made my very first batch of tallow. I shared it with all my friends, from then their friends wanted some too.

Over time, we have refined this craft of working with this tallow and its deeply embedded wisdom for our skin, helping those who have been seeking it the most.

As they say; what you’re seeking is seeking you, and tallow definitely found us.

This is a small batch family-run business, heart-centered by myself, Nish, and my incredible partner, Seb

(he lifts the heavy boxes for us).

We are the voices behind all your curious questions and all the behind-the-scenes work.

As we grow, we intend to have an even more interpersonal relationship with our customers, cultivating a community of sovereign beings embracing natural remedies and living.
